Crypto you can buy, swap, store, send, receive, and sell
Currently, you can buy BCH, BSV, BTC, DOGE, ETH, USDT, USDC, BAT, LINK, LRC, LTC, MNEE (ERC-20), PEPE, WLD, XRP, and ZRX.
You can sell BSV, BCH, BTC, ETH, MNEE (ERC-20), USDT, & USDC.
You can also swap the following digital assets using the ‘Swap’ functionality in RockWallet: BCH, BSV, BTC, DOGE, ETH, USDT, USDC, BAT, LINK, LRC, LTC, MNEE (ERC-20), PEPE, WLD, XRP, and ZRX.
RockWallet also supports storing, sending, and receiving the following digital assets: BCH, BSV, BTC, DOGE, ETH, USDT, USDC, BAT, LINK, LRC, LTC, MNEE (ERC-20), PEPE, WLD, DINO, XRP, and ZRX.
We’re always working on providing access to more cryptocurrencies. We welcome you to check back soon!
Availability of certain assets may vary depending on location, in accordance with state/regional laws.