Crypto you can buy, swap, store, send, receive, and sell
Currently, you can buy BCH, BSV, BTC, ETH, SHIB*, USDT, & USDC.
You can sell BSV, BCH, BTC, ETH, USDT, & USDC.
You can also swap the following digital assets using the ‘Swap’ functionality in RockWallet: BCH, BSV, BTC, ETH, SHIB*, USDT, & USDC.
RockWallet also supports storing, sending, and receiving the following digital assets: BSV, BTC, USDC, ETH, BCH, SHIB, BAT, LINK, LRC, XRP, USDT, and ZRX.
We’re always working on providing access to more cryptocurrencies. We welcome you to check back soon!
*Please note US customers are no longer able to ‘Buy’ SHIB. [More information here]